ABUGS10.ZIP 1261,467 09-24-94 ANIMATED BUGS v1.0 - is a board game foryoung children that is full of color, soundand animation. Garden backgrounds, mini-animations, and full-screen animations arefeatured. Two players can play the game (one
or both can be the PC). Movement isdetermined by a spinner that can be eithernumbers, colors, or shapes. Sound support formost boards and the PC speaker. VGA and HardDrive required. Keyboard/mouse.
ADDALOT.ZIP 682,200 01-20-95 SIR ADDALOT 2.0 is LANDMARK's new math game!This arcade style educational game improvesaddition and subtraction skills as kids facedragons in enchanted castles. The Game has
levels for a wide range of skills. Come jointhe adventure in this 256 color VGA learningexperience! Ages 6-12 by Landmark Solutions.
AECT1F2.ZIP 252,729 10-22-94 ADVANCED ENGLISH COMPUTER TUTOR The BestProgram to Learn Advanced English. Fullycompatible with XT/286/386/486/PentiumTXT/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1+Advanced English Computer Tutor (AECT) is an
INTERACTIVE tutorial that teaches youSUBTLETIES of the English language. Theprogram is significantly useful for those whohave a good command of English, yet findcertain features of the language
ATTACK20.ZIP 136,097 11-15-94 LETTER ATTACK An arcade-style typing tutor inwhich the player must defend the planet fromthe aliens. Words and letters flash acrossthe screen and must be typed correctly to be
eliminated. Includes a practice section toshow correct finger placement. Requires CGA.
AWARE119.ZIP 201,430 10-06-94 CULTURAL AWARENESS V1.19 <ASP> Educationalgame for cultural literacy - Two levels ofplay. At Novice level, the game is suitablefor sixth grade and up. At Advanced level,the game will challenge adults! Topics
CBOOK21.ZIP 182,531 12-20-94 Coloring Book Version 2.1! A classic child'stoy is now here for your PC. Coloring Book 2includes 10 pictures (35 pictures come in theregistered version.) The program supports 50
colors, sound effects (the registered versionadds digital sound support,) keyboard, mouse,or joystick control, and color printing to HPand Epson compatible printers. VGA required.
CHINA127.ZIP 197,661 10-06-94 WRITE CHINESE V1.27 <ASP> Program to teachbasic Chinese calligraphy- presents 150 ofthe most frequently used characters intraditional and simplified forms. Studentspractice drawing characters in a "nine-square
box," learn Mandarin and Cantonesetransliterations, and memorize definitions.Requires '286, VGA, mouse, HD. Education -Language
DAYM410.ZIP 310,825 10-01-94 DayMaster 4.10 <ASP> Program gives youhistorical events, births and anniversariesfor the day, a quote, and any reminders youhave at boot up or any time. Reminders can beannual,monthly,weekly,daily, range of dates,
or single date. Even lets you add your ownspecial days in history! From UnicornSoftware Limited.
DRDOO-12.ZIP 218,204 10-23-94 * Dr. Doodle VGA v1.2 Hi Res VGAmouse-oriented drawing program for ages 2 andolder. 16 drawing objects includingtriangles, stars, and diamonds. Kids can saveand load drawings without typing a filename!
Requires VGA and mouse. >> This new releaseincludes SoundBlaster support and fixes a bugthat appeared when drawing large circles andellipses.
DSPEL200.ZIP 1145,005 11-27-94 Dino Spell v2.00 Requirments: * Windows 3.1 *4MB RAM * Mouse * Sound Blaster (optional)Rex is at it again! All the apples and strawDerik's arch enemy, Rex the Tyrannosaurus! T
must answer the spelling questions that Rex hit? Sure he can, but he will need lots of he
FLASH121.ZIP 308,071 11-02-94 StudyMaster Flash Cards v1.21 - Designed as astudy aid for for junior high, high schooland college students, this program is perfectfor computer-assisted learning.
GRADEP4J.ZIP 281,085 11-27-94 GRADE BOOK POWER Version 4.10 ASP Use eithertwo-9 week or 3-6 week terms per semester.Create over 30 different reports. Individualprogress reports include assign- ment date,
J_SPL20.ZIP 718,082 10-19-94 JURASSIC SPELLING, V2.0 <ASP> A fantastic newspelling program that really talks! Itfeatures sound-board or PC speaker supportand high resolution graphics. You can use theexisting word files or enter your own words
up to 500 of your own word files Get visualand/or aural rewards for correct responses.Lots of fun! Requires DOS 2.1+, 640K RAM, andVGA.
KID20.ZIP 797,919 12-15-94 Kidtionary v2.0 - Dictionary For Kids. Letskids learn new words by picture and soundassociations. Also includes a speller programthat displays words for the user to try and
spell. VGA Req.,SB Comp. sound card and mouseare optional. ASP Shareware, $22
LINPRO25.ZIP 446,313 09-27-94 LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.50 <ASP> - Large-scaleprogram for serious students. Rqrs PC, DOS,Hard Disk & 640K mem. EGA/VGA recommended.19,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti-
cated Flashcarding. Has Latin-American andCastilian dialect conversational courses. Aunique Verb Conjugator SYNTHESIZES millionsof COMPLETE sentences to drill verbs in alltenses/persons. Features for Advanced users.
MERLN105.ZIP 199,623 10-06-94 MERLIN'S MATH V1.05 <ASP> Episodes 1 & 2 ofthe Merlin's Math series- teachesmultiplication of multiple digit numbers, upto 5 by 5 digits, and long division. Statingas an apprentice magician, the student gains
in power by solving math problems ofincreasing difficulty. Requires 286 orhigher, mouse, and VGA. Education -Mathematics
MMT_V1B.ZIP 291,271 11-01-94 My Math Tutor. Interactive quizes andprint/view multiplication table from 1 x 1 to100 x 100. For Windows 3.1+
MUSIC102.ZIP 123,670 11-11-94 MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02 <ASP> Fun activitiesteach basic musical notation- Childen usemouse to enter notes on musical staff and canhear their compositions played on the PCspeaker. Children can save their masterpieces
to work on later. Program also plays excerptsof folk tunes, hymns, nursery rhyme music andnational anthems. Requires '286, VGA, mouse.
OTD_201.ZIP 148,259 11-24-94 On This Day Version 2.01 <ASP> A program andcollection of databases to answer thequestion "What Happened On This Day InHistory?" Dates in 4 different calendars,"day of the week" calculations, Phases of the
moon, solstices, and equinoxes are supported.Among other benefits, registered users areprovided with a HUGE collection of data.
PCCAI210.ZIP 945,416 11-05-94 PC-CAI 2.11 <ASP> Award-winning ComputerAssisted Instructional tool. Write computerdriven tutorials on any subject using color,graphics including PCX special effects,animation, questions and answers, menuing and
branching. Color Graphics monitorrecommended. Shareware from TexaSoft.
PHONICS1.ZIP 1231,736 09-27-94 The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM willteach children and adults the phoneticreading and spelling methods. Interactiveteaching method with graphic, music andvoice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and
SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. VGA graphicrequired. Supports sound boards.
QUIZ223.ZIP 125,688 11-26-94 CREATE A QUIZ - makes great quizzes! Can beused to create and take multiple choice andfill-in-the-blank tests. Teachers can createinteractive on- screen or printed quizzes for
students. Surveys/questionnaires can also becreated that record input to a disk. Version2.21. An educational classic!
SBBXMAS.ZIP 890,941 11-24-94 BILLY BEAR IS IT CHRISTMAS YET? VGA Educa-tional Multimedia program. Childrens storybook w/ animation, children's melodies, .CMFmusic & special sound effects. Human voiceand text-to-speech used to tell this
Christmas story. Requires 640k, VGA, harddrive, mouse and Sound Blaster/compatiblesoundcard. BILLY BEAR IS IT CHRISTMAS YET? isbeing distributed as a freeware program
SKILLSP3.ZIP 250,800 11-27-94 GRADING SKILLS POWER Version 3.00 ASP Teacherdeveloped database designed for Outcome-BasedEducation (OBE). Printed reports of achievedskills can be used as an alternative or
supplement to a regular gradebook program.Spreadsheet-style entry of achieved skillsand attendance. OBE has been mandated inMinnesota and Kentucky. Requires 512K and DOS2.1 or greater
SNSPEL20.ZIP 173,141 11-26-94 SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A funway for children (& adults?) to increasetheir spelling skills. Random pictures appearfor you to identify and spell. 3 skilllevels. Play against the clock. Imports
spelling word lists. EGA/VGA & hard diskrequired. Vers. 2.0
SPANH111.ZIP 283,717 09-27-94 Spanish Helper Level One v1.0 <ASP> ExcellentInteractive program to learn Spanish. LevelsTwo and Three are available by registration.The programs' interactive quizzing systemallows you to learn vocabulary rapidly.
Contains a large database of vocabulary andallows you to form your own lists to quizyourself. Its well-planned design makes itthe perfect program for individuals orschools.
VARG60.ZIP 721,930 12-21-94 VAR Grade Grading program v6.03A <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,unlimited students and tasks. You can weight,
average, discard, sum, and require tasks(assignments). It has complete analysistools, including statistics, plots, and waysto modify grades. Mouse enabled.
VGW10.ZIP 1139,007 12-21-94 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.00D <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,
unlimited students and tasks. You can weight,average, discard, sum, and require tasks(assignments). It has complete analysistools, including statistics, plots, and waysto modify grades. Mouse enabled.
VORTX101.ZIP 490,785 11-14-94 Vortex v1.01 - the Machine Assisted ReadingSoftware. Vortex is designed to increasereading speed from the average of 240 words aminute to the limit of speed possible foreffective comprehension. A typical increase
will be to the level of 1600 words a minute.
WACKY.EXE 742,272 11-19-94 Kids Wacky Sound Box
ZPLR410.ZIP 372,123 01-01-95 Zpeller 4.10 <ASP> Spelling & VocabularyTeacher. Handles up to 19 students, studententers correct spelling & defintions for upto 32000 words. Performs 7 different types of
tests, and tracks wrong answer for immediateretest. Also has test battery for problemwords that are constantly missed. FromUnicorn Software Limited